Tag: Artist

Total 66 Posts

Sven Johne | Greatest Show on Earth

While the traditional image of traveling circus might have become an anachronism, what it stands for still remains: sweet promise of happiness. “Greatest Show on Earth” (2011) reveals the ridiculousness of these promises by presenting a compere, who announces an endless series of sensations but when listened to closely, who sets the audience at unease…

Sven Johne | Tears of the Eyewitness

„Tears of the Eyewitness“ (2009) puts its focus on the construction of history and memory. A strange interplay develops between the artificial and the candidly felt emotions, between the memory influenced by media and by personal experience…

Sven Johne | Elmenhorst

In “Elmenhorst” (2006), we encounter a familiar situation: a stroll at the beach, a father and a grown-up son. But what prevails is the speechlessness. Gestures and mimics of the two reveal the accumulated aggression and mutual misunderstanding. At the same time, however, a core of familial intimacy which is yet to completely submerge remains…