Tag: Berlin

Total 103 Posts

Sven Johne | Greatest Show on Earth

While the traditional image of traveling circus might have become an anachronism, what it stands for still remains: sweet promise of happiness. “Greatest Show on Earth” (2011) reveals the ridiculousness of these promises by presenting a compere, who announces an endless series of sensations but when listened to closely, who sets the audience at unease…

Sven Johne | Tears of the Eyewitness

„Tears of the Eyewitness“ (2009) puts its focus on the construction of history and memory. A strange interplay develops between the artificial and the candidly felt emotions, between the memory influenced by media and by personal experience…

Sven Johne | Elmenhorst

In “Elmenhorst” (2006), we encounter a familiar situation: a stroll at the beach, a father and a grown-up son. But what prevails is the speechlessness. Gestures and mimics of the two reveal the accumulated aggression and mutual misunderstanding. At the same time, however, a core of familial intimacy which is yet to completely submerge remains…

Sven Johne | Good to Talk

Blind Spots- Roadtripping 30 years after the fall at Good to Talk, 28.09.2019.
A conversation with Falk Haberkorn (artist) and Sven Johne (artist)
Moderation: Sabine Jainski (filmmaker and journalist)

Weekend Focus: Renaud Regnery

We are closing our first takeover week by Renaud Regnery with a special Weekend Focus on the artist’s practice. For images, please click the title above. Regnery oftentimes presents his work in specially conceived displays, and adjusted architectoral and spatial settings (for images, please the click title above). Here some views from his solo exhibitions…